Sealed bids for Grass Cutting & Debris removal – Establishment of Hourly Rates
Sealed bids for Grass Cutting & Debris removal – Establishment of Hourly Rates will be received by: Kent County Levy Court, Department of Planning Services, Division of Inspection and Enforcement, 555 Bay Road, Dover, DE 19901 until 4:00 PM local time on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidder bears the risk of late delivery, any bids received after the stated time will be returned unopened.
Bid 1: Cutting of grass only for properties in violation. No debris removal will be necessary.
Bid 2: Cutting of grass and debris removal for properties in violation.
Both bids are accepted for hourly rates per man hour of labor.
A MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024 in the Kent County Administrative Complex, 555 Bay Road, Dover, Delaware 19901 at 5:15 PM in Room 220 for the purpose of establishing a qualified roster of bidders and to answer questions. ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING IS A PREREQUISITE FOR BIDDING.
In addition to the live meeting, this meeting will also be held by phone and video conferencing software for the public to join below.
or by phone, by calling 1-408-418-9388.Meeting # (access code): 2345 369 7926 Meeting password: C7syACmZg93
Sealed bids shall be addressed to Kent County Division of Inspection and Enforcement, 555 Bay Road, Dover, Delaware 19901, Attn: Shannon Morris. The outer envelope should clearly indicate: “I & E Contractual Grass Cutting & Debris Removal Services – Establishment of Hourly Rates”
Bid packets can be obtained at the mandatory meeting. If you have any questions, please contact this office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at (302) 744-2476.
Kent County reserves the right to reject any and all bids and award contract(s) in the best interest of the County.
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