Kent County Levy Court offers annual grant opportunities to support capital projects, events, and community programs benefiting Kent County residents. To be considered, applicants must fill out the online application, and the application must be signed by an authorized representative. Requests should be reasonable and within grant fund constraints. Applicants may be asked to attend a Levy Court Business Meeting for consideration. The application period is open from January 1 to March 15 each year. If submitting by mail, the application must be postmarked by March 15.
Kent County Levy Court offers three (3) grant opportunities: Community Service Grants (County Policy § 22-3), Community Projects Contribution Fund Grants (County Policy § 30-1), and Community Event Promotional Grants. To help you decide which grant would best suit your needs, please find a brief description of each of the grant opportunities below:
Community Service Grants: This grant fund allows the County to assist organizations which provide services to the community. Fire companies receiving County funds are exempt from the requirements of this Policy. In order for an organization to be considered for a community service grant, it must:
Be nonprofit (or under the umbrella of a parent organization which is nonprofit).
Have programs that are unduplicated and satisfy unmet needs of the community.
Practice nondiscrimination.
Have accounting (budget) procedures.
Use funds in accordance with the application.
Demonstrate community support.
Request funds only for a program which does not receive full funding from other sources of revenue.
Community Projects Contribution Fund Grants: This grant fund shall be limited to non-County-owned capital projects of significant public benefit. Such projects may include, but not be limited to: educational buildings and facilities; recreational equipment and buildings; libraries; specialized transportation units; and similar community facilities and amenities.
Community Event Promotional Grants: This grant fund is intended to provide financial assistance to municipalities to defray expenses associated with the promotion of small community events. Promotional expenses include: advertising costs; promotional brochures, pamphlets, cards, posters, or flyers; event signage; and similar promotional materials. In order to qualify for Community Promotional Grant Program funding, events must be open to the public and take place within the corporate municipal boundaries of the towns and cities in Kent County including the entirety of the corporate limits of Smyrna, Marydel, and/or Milford. A qualifying event, or events, shall be endorsed and/or hosted by a municipality in Kent County, Delaware. Qualifying events include but may not be limited to: Community Festivals; Parades; Fireworks Displays; Educational Programs; and similar events. The maximum grant award under this program is $750.
Click here to fill out and submit the grant application online.
Click here for a fillable version of the grant application for email submission.(PDF, 197KB)
Click here to download a printable version of the grant application.
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Inquiries and submissions can be directed to the Kent County Levy Court Administration Office, Rm. 243, 555 Bay Road, Dover, Delaware 19901
Or contact us by phone at 302-744-2300, or by email at: