Administration The Kent County Department of Administration oversees several key offices: the County Administrator's Office, Economic Development Office, Information Technology Office, Human Resources Office, and Facilities Management Division
Clerk of the Peace Learn more about the Clerk of Peace, the process to apply for a Marriage License in Kent County. Order certified copies of a Marriage License. Book a marriage ceremony
Community Services Explore local parks and recreation for indoor and outdoor fun and relaxation. Learn more about community programs, and library services at Kent County Public Library.
Deeds Office Learn the legal requirements for recording documents, research the professional library, register for free Property Fraud Alert system and search for deeds.
Finance The Department of Finance keeps the financial records for all County funds, prepares reports and financial statements, manages County investments, and administers assessment functions relating to real property and improvements.
Planning Services Offers an overview of all the functions of the County Planning Office, planning services, planning applications, GIS mapping, Inspections and Enforcement, Community Development Block Grant, and other land-use services
Public Safety Preparedness and Emergency planning, Emergency Medical Services, disaster coordination. and protecting the welfare of our citizens and visitors from disaster. Provides support to the community.
Public Works The Department of Public Works is responsible for Wastewater Management, Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste, and Streetlight services in Kent County for most areas that are typically not in a municipality.
Register of Wills Office The Register of Wills provides Will and Estate services to the County, legal community, title companies, and others
Sheriff's Office The Sherriff's Office serves Kent County by performing functions for the Delaware Courts and U.S. Courts. Provides Civil service process, and sells real estate in accordance with the Delaware Code