Submit a Public Records Request (FOIA)

How to Request Kent County Government Records

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), is a law that gives a person the right to access information from governmental agencies. FOIA provides that any person has the right to obtain access to federal agency records, except for those which are protected from public disclosure by one of nine exemptions or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions.

To request a FOIA from Kent County Levy Court, complete the Request for Public Records form provided on our website and either mail it to: Kent County Levy Court, Attn: Kelly Pitts, Public Information Officer, 555 Bay Road, Dover, Delaware 19901 or fax it to 302-736-2279. Additionally, FOIA request can be emailed to:

Please be sure to check the rest of the website for readily available information before placing your request. 

FOIA Request Form (Printable)(PDF, 881KB)  

For Media Inquires call: 302-744-2304