Recording Forms

Please review these forms carefully before you submit any documents for recording. Errors completing these forms may result in a $40 nonconforming fee or a $20 rejection fee.


The forms, format, and fees may change from time to time.


An Electronic Filing Agreement (MOU) must be completed and approved prior to submitting documents to one of our technology business partners (Available third-party vendors are listed in the MOU--please select one).

Use this chart to calculate recording fees which have been determined by Levy Court Commissioners (Ord. Chapter 128-44). Per 9 Del. C. 9605 (g) Deeds cannot be recorded until the correct fees and taxes have been collected. A $20 rejection fee may be attached.

Use this form to determine Transfer Taxes for State, County & Municipalities. These rates and exemptions will change from time to time. Realty Transfer Tax is determined by 30 Del. C. Chapter 54. For questions, please contact the Tax Conferee, Division of Revenue at 302-577-8651. Deeds clerks can help you understand the form, but we cannot answer legal questions about its content.