Register of Wills Forms Library

 Form Description
 Claims Form(PDF, 144KB)  Used by creditors to file claims against an estate.
 Claims Resolution(PDF, 59KB)  Explains how to respond when you receive a claim against an estate.
 Case Information Sheet - SAMPLE(PDF, 202KB)  Issued 11.27.2024
 Case Information Sheet - Probated estates(PDF, 192KB)  Required form for opening an estate for probate.
 Case Information Sheet - Non-probated estates(PDF, 108KB)          (for attorneys only)  Required form when initially filing new documentation for non-probated estate.
 Certified Small Estate Affidavit Request Form(PDF, 188KB)  Used to request a certified copy of a Small Estate Affidavit.
 Estate Opening Checklist(PDF, 268KB)  Rev. 11.27.2024
 Estate Closing Checklist(PDF, 178KB)  
 Extension Request Form(PDF, 78KB)  Used to request an extension to file the Inventory or Accounting.
 Fee Schedule(PDF, 42KB)  List of all Register of Wills' fees.
 Inventory Form-fillable(PDF, 294KB)  Inventory of assets for probated estate.
 Inventory Form - SAMPLE(PDF, 327KB)  *Rev. 11.20.2024
 Jointly Held Estate Affidavit(PDF, 116KB)  Used to clear real property held jointly by right of survivorship.
 Opening Petition(PDF, 337KB)  Used to formally request appointment as the personal representative   (administrator/executor) of probated estate.
 Renunciation Form(PDF, 131KB)  Used to renounce your right to serve as personal representative of an estate.
 Request for Documents Form(PDF, 179KB)   Used to request copies of documents on file with our office. 
 Request for Small Estate Affidavit via Mail(PDF, 207KB)  Used to request a Small Estate Affidavit through the mail when you are unable to get   it in-person.
 Request for Small Estate Affidavit via Mail   CHECKLIST(PDF, 176KB)  
 Search Request Form(PDF, 357KB)  Used to request an internal search for an estate.    Rev. 2.5.2025
 Short Certificate Request Form(PDF, 144KB) (for Attorneys only)  Used for Attorneys to request additional Short Certificates for an estate that is   already open for probate.
 Short Certificate Request Form(PDF, 243KB)  Used to request additional Short Certificates for an estate that is already open   for   probate.
 Termination of Life Estate(PDF, 174KB)   Used to terminate a life estate held on real estate.
 Trust Inquiry(PDF, 220KB)   To be filed with accompanying opening documents on probated estates where the   decedent had a Last Will and Testament 
 Will Search Affidavit(PDF, 132KB)   Used to swear that a thorough search for a valid, original will was conducted.


 Accounting Forms   Documents used for closing an estate.
 Estate Closing Checklist(PDF, 178KB)  Rev. 12.5.2024
 Accounting Affidavit - fillable(PDF, 209KB) (for Attorneys only)  
 Accounting Form - fillable(PDF, 200KB)  Used to account for allowable costs/expenses   incurred by the estate. *Rev. 12.4.2024
 Accounting Form - SAMPLE(PDF, 304KB)*  *Rev. 12.4.2024
 Affidavit in Lieu of Receipts(PDF, 527KB) (for Attorneys only)  Affidavit used only by Attorneys in place of   sending all proof of payment to Register of Wills   with Accounting
 Beneficiary Notice(PDF, 16KB)  Notice of Accounting filed for the estate. 
 Beneficiary Waiver(PDF, 116KB)  Waiver of further notice of subsequent   accountings.
 Beneficiary Waiver for Incapacitated Beneficiaries(PDF, 3MB)  Waiver completed by parent, guardian, or trustee   of an heir subject to legal incapacity.
 Commission Letter for Personal Representative(PDF, 66KB)  Used to acknowledge receipt of commission. 
 Form 651(PDF, 181KB)(for Attorneys only) To be used when there were no assets belonging to the decedent, and none were located (or came in) thereafter. Rev. 2.19.2025
 List of Beneficiaries(PDF, 118KB)  Beneficiaries that are entitled to share in the       distribution of the   estate