Staff Report Packets
CS-99-11 & S-99-02 (Revised) DE State Fair(PDF, 9MB) - Requesting expansion of State Fairgrounds
CS-24-05 Tidewater Fork Branch(PDF, 18MB) - Requesting approval of a Water Tower
CZ-24-11 Gleysteen(PDF, 3MB) - Requesting zoning change from IG (General Industrial) to AR (Agricultural Residential)
CZ-24-12 MHA Land Holdings, LLC(PDF, 4MB) - Requesting zoning change from OC (Office Complex) to RM (High Density Residential)
LC24-32 Stormwater Maintenance District Fees(PDF, 40KB) - Amend the code to clarify that the annual fee shall be established in Chapter 128 and incorporated into the annual budget
LC24-33 Solar Decommissioning Estimate(PDF, 48KB) - Amend the code to require third party review of solar and wind decommissioning estimates
LC24-35 Area and Bulk Regulations Inside the GZ(PDF, 283KB) - Amend the code to permit duplexes in the AC and AR zoning districts; townhouses in the RS1 zoning district; reduce minimum lot size, frontage, and setback requirements; eliminate impervious cover minimums, eliminate the 5 acre minimum lot size for multi-family and manufactured home development, and increase density by ½ unit per acre in the AC, AR, and RS1 zoning districts